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Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cold winter and cough accompanying phlegm

Cold winter and cough accompanying phlegm 

Winter is characterized by a festive and warm family atmosphere. On the other hand, colds that lead to coughing with phlegm increase in this chapter. So how do we face this heavy guest?

Winter is characterized by its festive atmosphere and the wonderful times we spend with family and friends. But sometimes unwanted visitors arrive in the form of colds, in which case there is a risk of cough accompanying phlegm.

A cough associated with sputum - or the product of sputum - can cause discomfort by restricting your daily movement. No matter where you are, the most important priority is to find a quick solution. But before you start treating cough associated with phlegm, you must know what it is.

Well, what exactly is a cough associated with phlegm?
Simply put, a cough produced by a phlegm is a wet cough accompanied by sputum or mucus. Do not try to mute the cough associated with phlegm because the lungs need to clean themselves, which is exactly what a cough does.

What are the symptoms of cough associated with phlegm and causes?
If you have difficulty breathing, fever, colds and flu, wheezing and chest pain, you have a cough associated with phlegm, and the cough gets worse when you wake up or talk. Mucosal cough usually occurs as a result of viral infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, smoking and COPD.

How can I treat cough associated with phlegm?
Treatment of cough associated with phlegm begins with relief of chest congestion. If the sputum from the cough is thick and sticky, the cough alone is not enough to get it out, so you need an effective phlegm repellent.It frees your lungs quickly by making the sputum more easy to move.

Is there a way to prevent cough associated with phlegm?
Yes, you can do this by strengthening your immune system, so that coughs and colds are not easy. There are many ways to strengthen your immune system such as: walking daily, maintaining personal hygiene, taking plenty of sleep and most importantly a healthy diet, where you can increase the amount of citrus, fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, spinach and broccoli.

Can cough associated with phlegm become dangerous?
Yes, that is possible. If your cough lasts longer than a week with fever, or if you have persistent chest pain or difficulty breathing, see your doctor. Cough associated with phlegm is a symptom of a pathological injury do not leave it without treatment. The condition can worsen leading to other complications.

So when you have a chest cough associated with phlegm you can treat it with some care and attention.

How can you explain the causes of cough?

the question
I have a severe cough and suffocating accompanied by light mucus and not green for a month continuously, I took pills Amoxicillin (Amoxicillin), codeine (Codeine), Telfast (180) (Allergy) Suffering severe, what should I do?
The answer
A cough is called an acute cough if it lasts for at least three weeks, and chronic cough if it lasts more than this period. Acute cough usually stems from infectious, viral or bacterial causes, upper respiratory tract or lungs chronic cough.
In the smoker, concerns are raised about pulmonary embolism or malignant lung disease. In people who do not smoke, the three common causes of chronic cough are: exudate in the back (nasopharynx) throat (Post nasal Drip), asthma (Asthma), replacement of stomach acid of the esophagus.
A family of antihypertensive drugs called ACE inhibitors (Tritace, Enalapril) can cause a persistent cough as a side effect. Less common causes include heart failure, chronic lung disease, pulmonary embolism and others.
Things to check with a person who has a cough:

 Knowledge of medical history:

1. Is the cough acute or chronic?
2- When did the cough begin, I found symptoms of respiratory infection such as sore throat, catarrh and others?

Is this a seasonal cough? Is there wheezing? If yes the problem is asthma

4. Are there symptoms supporting the secretion in the throat (secretion from the nose, tingling in the throat) or the return of stomach acid to the esophagus (heart burn or the feeling that eating rises up). The absence of these symptoms does not exclude these causes, but their presence enhances the likelihood that they are causing the problem.
5. Is there a fever or phlegm? If yes, the problem may be inflammation or pneumonia.
6 - Does the patient suffer from other diseases or risk factors for diseases: smoking, exposure to the environment, the causes of the risk of AIDS and others.
7. Does the patient take ACE inhibitors (ACE inhibitors)?
Full physical examination includes, pharyngeal, cardiac, lung balance, tests: general blood tests, chest x-ray, lung function examination (to check the likelihood of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in smokers), blood test in sputum, send urine test to laboratory To rule out inflammation, cell sputum examination, more complex tests are performed as needed. Cough treatment:

Treatment is appropriate for the cause of the cough. If the cause is not known and a chronic and inexplicable cough is found, tendency to give therapeutic and diagnostic treatments such as, anti-allergic reactions, nasal spray, asthma treatment, treatment for acid return from the stomach to the esophagus (Gastro esophangeal reflux disorder) Such as Codeine, which is given when we do not know the cause of a cough that disrupts the functioning and life system of the patient. A cough accompanied by a mine does not tend to give codeine because the phlegm can accumulate and interfere with breathing, causing pollution. If your cough persists, refer to your doctor to complete an investigation into these trends.

By Dr Mahad Shah
Ms Productions

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