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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The benefits of the plant system and the fact of its risks

The benefits of the plant system and the fact of its risks

The number of vegetarians around the world has increased recently, as they refrain from eating meat and meat products and replace it with plants. Is this for health benefits and what are the risks?

With the proliferation of vegetarians in recent years, many concerns have begun to emerge about its risks and its negative effects on human health, but what is the truth about it?

In general, for a healthy and healthy person, there are no side effects to a vegetarian diet if done properly.

Vegetarians refrain from eating meat, chicken and fish, while vegans do not eat milk, eggs, cheese and all animal products.

Benefits of a vegetarian diet
Here is a summary of the main benefits of a vegetarian diet:

1- Good for heart health
In a scientific study conducted by researchers from Harvard University targeting 200,00 men and women, they found that a vegetarian diet works to promote heart health.

People who ate healthy vegetarian food reduced their risk of heart disease by as much as 25%, while those who ate unhealthy vegetarian foods had a 32% higher risk.

2. Reduced risk of diabetes
A number of different scientific studies have found that people who follow a vegetarian diet are about twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes than others.

Studies have shown that vegetarians have a regular level of blood sugar, and are less weighty than others.

3- Cancer protection
A vegetarian diet is usually low in saturated fat and high in dietary fiber, which in turn contributes to a lower risk of various cancers.

Different scientific studies have found that eating saturated fat is associated with a higher risk of cancer, and abstinence in the vegetarian diet contributes to the protection of these people.

4. Reduce high blood pressure
Dieticians note that people who do not eat meat have a lower blood pressure level than others.

Studies have also reported that following a vegetarian diet for about two weeks contributes to lowering high blood pressure.

Other health benefits
The health benefits of a vegetarian diet include:

Reduced risk of kidney stones
Protection from osteoporosis
Avoid severe asthma attacks.
But the risk is if the lost minerals and vitamins are not compensated from animal foods and products, whether through plants or supplements.

Risks of vegetarian diet
Having mentioned the benefits of the vegetarian system, some of its risks must also be mentioned:

1 - vegetarian system and hair loss
Many may wonder about the relationship between a vegetarian diet and hair loss.

A new scientific study found that a significant decrease in protein, with a lack of other nutrients and for a long period of time would cause hair loss.

Meat contains zinc, vitamin B and zinc, all of which are essential nutrients for hair growth and strengthening.

2 - Lack of absorption of minerals and nutrients
In contrast, iron can be found in plant foods such as legumes and green leafy vegetables, but they are less absorbed than the animal source.

It is precisely for this reason that it is important for vegetarians to take supplements based on the doctor's instructions and recommendations, in order to compensate for the deficiency and avoid any health problems.

3 - lack of vitamins and minerals
It is important for vegetarians to know the symptoms of a lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for them.

While iron deficiency causes the following symptoms:

Fatigue and dizziness
Accelerated heartbeat.
Vitamin B group deficiency causes fatigue and loss of balance.

By Dr Mahad Shah
Ms Productions

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